Cleaning Tips for Pet Urine Removal
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New Life Moments
Cleaning Tips for Pet Urine Removal

Pets having an accident in the house is just a part of the territory. But, pet urine has a very unpleasant smell, and if not cleaned properly, it can stain furniture and flooring material. It's important to address pet urine removal as soon as you can after your pet has had an accident. Here are some cleaning tips for removing pet urine from hard surfaces.
What You'll Need:
Multipurpose Spray Cleaner
Old Newspaper or Brown Bags
Bounty Paper Towels
Rubber Gloves
Bucket of Warm Water
Plastic Garbage Bag
Pet Odor Neutralizer
Put on the rubber gloves. Place sheets of Bounty paper towels over the affected spot. Place some old newspaper or brown bags on top of the paper towels. Press down to absorb the pet urine. Discard the soiled paper towels and newspaper/brown bags in the plastic garbage bag.
Spray the area with the multipurpose cleaner and wipe it up with a paper towel. Wet the sponge in the bucket of warm water and thoroughly wipe the area. The area must be rinsed in order for this pet urine removal technique to be affective. Rinse the sponge often in the bucket of warm water.
Dry the area with some paper towels. Spray the area with the pet neutralizer to help eliminate the odor. Eliminating the odor will discourage them from urinating in that spot again. Empty the bucket and wipe it clean with some paper towels. When done, discard the soiled paper towels and newspaper/brown bags in a receptacle outside.